SSD5_ Exercise 2分析
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这个题文件给了一大堆,其实最关键的只有两个 Listing.h及Group.h

 class Listing and class Group



Class Listing

Class Listing models a collection of advertisements. This class contains a private data member of type vector<Advertisement*>. This vector stores pointers to Advertisement objects.

Notice from the declaration of class Listing that the keyword typedef has been used to create alternate names for types vector<Advertisement*> and vector<Advertisement*>::iterator. Use these alternate names throughout the auction project.

  • virtual void add(Advertisement* ptr);

Adds the Advertisement pointer given by the parameter to the vector objects.

  • virtual iterator begin();

This returns an iterator to the first Advertisement* in vector objects.

  • virtual iterator end();

This returns an iterator to the last Advertisement* in vector objects.

  • virtual Advertisement* operator[](const int& number);

This returns the Advertisement pointer whose number equals the parameter number. Note, this is not the same as returning the pointer that exists and at index number. 

#ifndef LISTING_H#define LISTING_H#include 
#include "Advertisement.h"using namespace std;class Listing;class Listing {protected: typedef vector
Container;public: typedef Container::iterator iterator;protected: Container objects;public: virtual Advertisement* operator[](const int& number); virtual ~Listing() {}; virtual void add(Advertisement* ptr); virtual iterator begin(); virtual iterator end();};#endif



#include "Listing.h"#include 
using namespace std;/* * This returns the Advertisement pointer whose number equals the parameter number. * Note, this is not the same as returning the pointer that exists and at index number. */Advertisement* Listing::operator[](const int& number) { Listing::iterator it; for (it = this->begin(); it != this->end(); it++) { if ((*it)->getNumber() == number) { return *it; } } return NULL;}//Adds the Advertisement pointer given by the parameter to the vector objects.void Listing::add(Advertisement* ptr) { objects.push_back (ptr);}//This returns an iterator to the first Advertisement* in vector objectsListing::iterator Listing::begin() { return objects.begin();}//This returns an iterator to the last Advertisement* in vector objects.Listing::iterator Listing::end() { return objects.end();}


Class Group

Class Group models a collection of clients. This class contains a private data member of type vector<Client*>. This vector stores pointers to Client objects.

As in class Listing, the declaration of class Client uses the keyword typedef to create alternate names for types vector<Client*> and vector<Client*>::iterator. Use these alternate names throughout the auction project.

  • virtual void add(Client* ptr);

Adds the Client pointer given by the parameter to the vector objects.

  • virtual iterator begin();

This returns an iterator to the first Client* in vector objects.

  • virtual iterator end();

This returns an iterator to the last Client* in vector objects.

  • virtual Client* operator[](const string& email);

This returns the Client pointer whose object's email equals the parameter email. 

#ifndef GROUP_H#define GROUP_H#include 
#include "Client.h"using namespace std;class Group;class Group {protected: typedef vector
Container;public: typedef Container::iterator iterator;protected: Container objects;public: Client *operator[](const string& email); virtual ~Group() {}; virtual void add(Client* ptr); virtual iterator begin(); virtual iterator end();};#endif


#include "Group.h"#include 
using namespace std;//This returns the Client pointer whose object's email equals the parameter email. Client* Group::operator[](const string& email) { Group::iterator it; for (it = this->begin(); it != this->end(); it++) { if ((*it)->getEmail() == email) { return *it; } } return NULL;}//Adds the Client pointer given by the parameter to the vector objects.void Group::add(Client* ptr) { objects.push_back (ptr);}//This returns an iterator to the first Client* in vector objects.Group::iterator Group::begin() { return objects.begin();}//This returns an iterator to the last Client* in vector objects.Group::iterator Group::end() { return objects.end();}


Submit only the following.

  1. Listing.cpp - finished implementations of class Listing and Listing::iterator
  2. Group.cpp - finished implementation of class Group and Group::iterator

